πŸŽ“ Add liquidity tutorial

  • Open the Portfolios page and expand the portfolio you want to deposit in by clicking on the β€œManage” button:

I want to provide liquidity to Stablecoins portfolio.

  • Click on the "Add liquidity" button;

  • Enter the total liquidity amount you want to provide in USD or BASE currency -> all tokens with non-zero balance will be selected automatically:

I want to provide $10 in total.

  • Arrange the order of tokens by drag & drop: the higher the token in the list, the more you want to deposit it, also you can select/unselect tokens:

I don't want to provide all in bDai. So I will drag & drop bDai to the end of the list.

I want to provide in BUSD but there is still zero. Then I will try to unselect other tokens.

Ok. All my $10 are distributed in BUSD. But now there are some losses. I've decided that I want no loss more than to provide only in BUSD. I will follow the tips and select more tokens.

The losses were reduced. But I want zero loss and I don't wanna spend bDai. I'm ready to add more selected tokens to my wallet. Then I will switch off "Provide within balances" mode to see which tokens and what amount I should add to my wallet to eliminate losses.

Adding 20.8 bUSDT is too much for me. I prefer to add more bUSDC. Then I will try to drag & drop bUSDT lower in the list.

OK. I will add the amounts to my wallet.

Now that's what I want. And I'm ready to proceed.

  • Once you are ready, click "Add liquidity";

  • Double-check the info in the pop-up window and click "Add liquidity" again;

  • Confirm transaction in your wallet;

  • You will see LP tokens increase in the expanded portfolio page after the transaction is completed;

Last updated