Referral program 🔥

Don't miss a chance to earn more with Blueshift

The referral program is created to reward new users and people who promote Blueshift.

  • Referrer is a person who invites new users with a referral link.

  • Referral is a new user who comes to Blueshift with a referral link given by a referrer.

The referral program works within Blueshift's farms and manual yield pool.

How do I get a passive income without investments?

With Blueshift’s referral program you can earn without investments.

Invite your friends and be rewarded each time your friends harvest tokens from their farms or manual yield pool.

If your friends register themselves for the referral program and stake tokens to any farm or manual yield pool you will get the reward equal to 12,5% of friend’s harvest amount.


I have invited 10 friends. My friends have been registered in the referral program with my ref-link, provide liquidity and stake it to farms or manual pool.

After a while my friends harvest 1000$ rewards each. So I got 1000$ x 10 friends x 12.5% = 1250$ to my wallet without investments

After having registered, all your friends will get APR increase for all their farms and manual yield pool via your ref-link (more details).

Both of you get advantage of participating in the referral program.

To invite friends you have create your own ref-link. You can do it by clicking “Join program” button in the referral menu. You can open the menu if you click the button in the header of the Blueshift app on the left of wallet menu button. Then you can give the link to your friends.

Don’t forget to tell your friend about Blueshift and the referral program so that he understand what he will get and what is Blueshift.

After your friend have completed their registration you will see that the number of you referrals increases. You can find the overall number of your referrals in the referral menu.

Also in the referral menu you will see pending rewards that will be transferred to your wallet when all your referrals will be harvested all farms and manual pool rewards (more details).

How to increase all farms and manual pool APRs?

You can increase all farms and manual yield pool APRs by 12.5%.


Current APR = 200% -> New APR = 225%

225 = 200 * 12.5%

To increase APRs you should have a valid referral link and provide liquidity to any of the Blueshift portfolios. You can get the ref-link from any Blueshift user that has joined the referral program and created their personal ref-link to share with friends (more details).

If you have the link just follow it to a referral landing page. There you will find instructions that will helps you to increase the rewards for all farms and manual yield pool.

There are 5 steps you should do:

  1. Connect your wallet to the Blueshift app

  2. Get gas tokens to pay blockchain transaction fees

  3. Provide liquidity to any of the Blueshift portfolios to get portfolio’s LP tokens (more details)

  4. Register yourself as a referral in the app to increase all farms and yield pool APRs.

  5. Stake LP tokens and immediately start earning increased rewards

After you have completed registration as referral you will see increased APRs in all farms and manual yield pool with a label above: including extra xxx% as referral.

After a while you will see your pending referral rewards in the referral program menu. You can open it if you click the button in the header on the left of wallet menu button.

What are pending rewards and how to receive them?

Pending rewards are rewards that already belong to you, but have not yet been transferred to your wallet.

You receive referral program rewards to your wallet in two cases:

  1. if you have registered as referral with referral link -> each time you harvest from farms and manual yield pool.

  2. If you have invited your friends and they have been registered as you referrals -> each time your referrals harvest from farms and manual yield pool.

You will receive all pending rewards if:

  • you harvest all rewards from all your farms and manual yield pool

  • all your referrals harvest all rewards from all your farms and manual yield pool

How to understand that I have harvested all rewards.

After all rewards are harvested you will see zero TOTAL earned amount in a farm or pool (not available amount but total). You can harvest all rewards when all rewards become unlocked (see smart minting system for details).

Last updated

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