Single token invest

provide liquidity just in one token without loses

BlueShift has unique Single token invest feature that makes it possible to provide and withdraw liquidity from a portfolio using just one token without incurring any fees or losses. You can go to Single token invest page, deposit liquidity and start earning high farming APR with just one click.

On the Single Token Invest page, you can find a list of tokens that you can deposit or withdraw without any loses. For each token, you can see its portfolio name and the amount you can deposit or withdraw without fees. When you deposit liquidity using Single Token Invest, the tokens are automatically staked to the portfolio’s farm. You can see the APR of the farm next to the portfolio's name. To claim earned rewards you should go to the farming page.

To deposit liquidity, follow these simple steps:

  1. In the main menu, go to the Invest section and select Single token invest.

  2. Choose a token and expand the block.

  3. Enter the amount. If the amount is within the no-fee limit, there will be no losses or fees. Otherwise, a small fee for portfolio unbalancing will be charged.

  4. Approve the token spend in your wallet by clicking the approve button, if required.

  5. Click the provide button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  6. You can now go to the farming page, open the farm of the portfolio that contains the tokens you deposited, and see that farming rewards have started to accrue.

You can withdraw provided liquidity from your portfolio by going to the "Withdraw" tab on the Single Token Invest page. In this section, you will find all tokens that can be withdrawn without commission at the moment. If you don't find the token or portfolio you want on this list, use the farming page to unstake LP tokens from the portfolio's farm, and then go to the portfolio page to withdraw liquidity in any token.

When withdrawing liquidity through Single token invest, LP tokens are automatically unstaked from the farm if the balance of LP tokens in your wallet is less than the amount you entered for withdrawal. This makes the process of withdrawing liquidity quick and easy, and ensures that you can manage your portfolios with just one token.

Overall, BlueShift's Single token invest page simplifies the process of depositing and withdrawing liquidity, making it easy for users to start earning high APRs and make it possible to provide or withdraw liquidity just in one token.

Last updated